How To Invest Via BDO EIP Program - Making Sense of Pesos


Someday It's Gonna Make Sense

Monday, January 8, 2018

How To Invest Via BDO EIP Program

How To Invest Via BDO EIP Program

While I am not an expert on investment, I still want to share my personal experience on investing. Some of my friends get an advice from me but I still informed them to research more about it. Let's talk about one of the investments I am into. I would like to talk about UITF. UITF is short for Unit Investment Trust Fund. UITF is being offered by banks. It is a pool of funds from individuals then the bank will buy units for you. Sounds technical? Better go to fitzvillafuerte's blog post where he indicated every detail that you need to know about UITF. I learned a lot from his blog and one of the reasons why I got my very first UITF.

So why did I even bothered to make this post? Well, a friend of mine asked my opinion regarding investments. She wanted to have an idea from someone who tried it if it's really attainable and realistic. And as a person who is new to investing, one of the simplest investment that I suggested to her is UITF. 

I've started UITF where I opened my bank account which is BDO since 2015. Other banks offered it too but I am not sure if its called the same thing. UITF is handled by the bank's fund managers where they will invest the funds to a certain investment. There are many kinds of it and if you can't keep up on this post, better read that post from fitzvillafuerte.

In short, I chose to invest mine in an Equity Fund. Equity Fund is the riskiest type of investment but with higher potential for earnings. It is advisable for the type of investors who will invest their income on a long term. It means that you will not withdraw your money 5-10 years. 

Now, if you think that only rich people can invest, think again. This is one trait I want people to change. You can invest in a UITF for as low as Php1,000 pesos a month. BDO has an EIP program (stands for Easy Investment Plan) where you can automate it from your Savings Account.

How To Invest Via BDO EIP Program:

1. Open a savings account (minimum is Php2,000 for atm). I preferred an atm as I am planning to have this account for my emergency fund and it also has an option to enroll in an online facility.
2. Fill up necessary forms. They will require for you to answer a questionnaire to know your risk level of investing.
3. Next is the form where you will authorize an automate deductions from your savings account. You can choose monthly or weekly. I had mine 2 times a month, every 15th & 30th.
4. Lastly, enroll your trust fund via BDO online banking to monitor your earnings. I had this old post from my other blog on how you can do it. Hope I will have an updated version here on this blog.

Did I earn from BDO UITF? Yes, I did! The first time I withdrew money from my UITF account, I already gained Php900+ from my Php10,000 investment for more than a year only. Note that your earnings are not the same yearly. It will change depending on our country's economy, your type of investment, how much money you're investing in and how long you've been investing. There are many factors. It is also not advisable to withdraw your earnings as you may gain much more if you'll invest for a long term.

Am I still in UITF? Yes, I am still into it. I am actually enjoying it as I don't realize that I have UITF as I have it on auto-debit. Before I will check my earnings from time to time but now I learned how to let it just stay there and let it grow.

Planning to open a BDO EIP UITF? Read, research and have a goal. As I always say, I learned a lot from reading and from there I will let myself experience it. 

All information here is based on my own experience and it is still up to you if you want to enter the risk of investing. Hope that you learned a thing or two. Have questions? Drop me a message below.

Disclaimer: Again, I am not paid by BDO to do this post. :)

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